The Next Step Wiki

Animals is the 11th Episode Of Season 6. It is the 31st Epsiode Of The Next Step:New Starts. It is the first episode of Season 6.5.


“Emily is trying to find an replacement for Noah. A-Troupe gets a new song to dance to at Nationals.”


Starts screen with streets of Toronto. Then cuts to Studio A , A-Troupe is dancing to Animals . Michelle says (Talking Heads Caption says Contemporary Dancer) “This team has changed a lot but we are ready for anything.“ Lola says (Talking Heads Caption says Jazz Dancer) “It‘s great to be back but it isn’t good because me and Richelle haven’t spoken since I came back.” Piper says (Talking Heads Caption says Contemporary Dancer)”At the start of the season Miss Angela cut me and moved me to B-Troupe and then me, Richelle and Michelle came up with a plan that back fired but Finn suggested that we have a food fight which got Kate to fire Angela and Riley re-hired Emily and Skylar. ” Richelle says (Talking Heads Caption says New Dance Captain) “it‘s great to be back but It’s hard seeing Lola everyday but recently I have become Dance Captain .” Elliot says (Talking Heads Caption says Ballet Dancer) ”Me and Michelle started dating amd now me and her are going to Nationals together.” Charlie says (Talking Heads Caption says Contemoporary Dancer) “It’s Fantastic to be part of the Nationals team.” Kingston says (Talking Heads Caption says Hip-Hop Dancer) “It‘s great now we have a full team and we can get on the road to nationals. But due to Noah being eighteen we only have 11 dancers.” Davis says (Talking Heads Caption says Acro Dancer) “It is great to be on the team and to be with my sister.” Jacquie says (Talking Heads Caption says Contemporary Dancer) “It is great to be on the road to Nationals. But with Noah gone we are going to win nationals.” Heather says (Talking Heads Caption says Contemporary Dancer) “I cannot wait to dance at Nationals.”  Skye says (Talking Heads Caption says Contemporary Dancer) “A-Troupe is winning Nationals.” Summer says (Talking Heads Caption says Lyrical Dancer) “It’s great and I am ready for anything.” Henry says (Talking Heads Caption says Hip-Hop Dancer) “Time for us to win Nationals.” They all Pose. Emily says (Talking Heads Caption says Co-Studio Head) “we need to find a replacement for Noah or we are going to lose nationals.”

Intro - Michelle and Skye, Noah and Jacquie, Heather and Elliot, Piper and Summer, Kingston and Charlie, Davis and Henry, Richelle and Lola. Endpose Is Charlie, Heather, Noah, Jacquie, Davis, Kingston, Richelle, Michelle, Henry, Summer, Skye, Piper, Lola And Elliot.

In Studio 1, Alfie enters and starts dancing. Emily is sat in the office and sees Alfie dancing. Alfie says (Talking Heads caption Says Jazz Dancer) “I am glad to be back and it is great to see everyone again.” Emily enters and says “Alfie would you like a spot on A-Troupe?” Alfie says “yes.”

In Studio A, The Dynamo‘s also known as Leia, Rachel and Annabelle are singing Mamma Mia. Rachel says (Talking Heads Caption says Lost And Found Singer) “A-Troupe needed a new song and we needed a new single, so we combined the two ideas and put it into one.” Then A-Troupe enters. Richelle says (Talking Heads Caption says Dance Captain) “this is an amazing song and it is great to hear The Dynamos singing an ABBA song and doing it for us.” Alfie says (Talking Heads Caption says Jazz Dancer) “this is amazing and for me to be part of A-Troupe is amazing. This song is going to make a great semi-final dance.” Michelle says “have you done anymore?” Annabelle says “yes we have. We have covered Dancing Queen and Knowing Me, Knowing You.”

Meanwhile in Studio 1, Noah is dancing to Faith. Noah says (Talking Heads Caption says Contemporary Dancer) “This was my home and now I have to Leave it is going to end my career.” Then Jacquie enters and says “Noah, Don’t go.” Noah says “I have too. (Talking Heads) This isn’t Goodbye this is just see you later.”

In Studio A, Emily is announcing who is dancing in the final. Emily says “dancing in the final is Charlie, Alfie, Michelle, Piper, Davis, Lola, Kingston, Henry, Heather, Elliot, Richelle and Summer.” Jacquie says (Talking Heads Caption says Contemporary Dancer) “this means that I am an alternate for Nationals.” Skye says (Talking Heads Caption says Contemporary Dancer) “this isn’t good.” Then Alfie says (Talking Heads Caption says Jazz Dancer) “I am happy that I am on the team.”


  • Noah has left the next step
  • Charlie, Alfie, Michelle, Piper, Davis, Lola, Kingston, Henry, Heather, Elliot, Richelle and Summer are in the final dance.
  • Annabelle, Rachel and Leia have called them the dynamos from Mamma Mia. They have also cover dancing Queen, Mamma Mia And Knowing me, Knowing You.
  • Sorry I Haven’t edited in A while I have been busy.